DORIS displays and processes physical data (salinity, temperature, velocity) issued from sensors and/or databases. The generated sound velocity profiles can be exported either to a sonar system for real-time application or to a post-processing software suite.


DORIS Features

Sound speed profile processing

  1. Load your origin profile (a raw profile coming from sensors) and others for comparaison (Statistical profiles from database...) 
  2. Process your origin profile:
    • Removing duplicates
    • Remove manualy incorrect points
    • Connection with another profile
    • Extension to a a specified depth
    • ..
  3. Export your processed profile (new file or by UDP) 

Display absorption

Display refraction


Doris setup

Statistic database

  • WOA 18 : here to get the zipped database (required fields only).

Older database

  • ISAS : here to get the zipped database (required fields only).
  • WOA 09 : here to get the zipped database (required files only).
  • WOA 13 : here to get the zipped database (required files only).